Journey to Pacifica | Sensory Space
Designed for the Universal Creative Lab class as part my Masters program at UCF, students were able to choose any concept they wanted and design both the building and interior using industry standards discussed in the class from UC professionals. Concepts could be located in a theme park or could be a location based experience. I used Revit and Maya to design, model and render this project. Procreate was used to add some additional details in the renders as well as used to create the concept art. In this sensory engagement experience, guests will help mermaid Marina find her way home to Pacifica. During an intense storm, Marina got washed away in the heavy waves of the sea and found herself far from home, the city of Pacifica. Guests will explore different areas of the sea while helping to find her home. This space provides a simple story experience to follow while also providing a place to either engage senses or rest and reset the senses while inside of a theme park. Instead of having to leave the park or get detached from the overall theme park experience, guests can come here to reset while still being in an immersive space and not getting completely detached from their experience.